The Smart Office

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 29, 2017

Statistics reveal that almost 30% of an average lifetime is spent at work.  In daily terms, time at work equates to approximately 50% of your waking hours during a given workday.  In view of that, it’s pretty important that the time people spend in a workplace translate into value for employees and companies. A company … Continued

ABD Celebrates 30th Anniversary!


March 13, 2012

Automated Business Designs, Inc., developer of Ultra-Staff software, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.  Since 1982, ABD’s focus has been software exclusively designed for the staffing and recruiting industry. Ultra-Staff provides a completely integrated front office, back office, and web suite solution. Its trademark user interface and feature set is what makes Ultra-Staff a … Continued

Happy New Year!

By Terri Roeslmeier

January 13, 2012

“Happy New Year” is a common phrase used every year to represent a “new beginning”.  This year it is 2012 that symbolizes a fresh start for everyone.  There is always something great about the start of a year because it stands for challenge, hope, planning and the ability to “make things happen”. Normally, we don’t … Continued

Differences between Computer Solutions


March 19, 2008

Everyone is using a computer solution today. What sets one solution apart from another? It is true. It would be rare to find a company that does not have automation in place. The question here is how much of a solution does it offer? In order for automation to have impact today, it must encompass … Continued