Check Out How Marketing Automation Tools Can Help Your Staffing Business Grow!

By Natalie Chrapla

June 24, 2014

Staffing professionals are always busy with placement tasks, leaving little time for marketing to expand business opportunities. This is especially true for small businesses whereas everyone usually has to “pitch-in” with other departments and tasks. Marketing automation software is an option that may be considered by staffing firms when they are looking to make a … Continued

Write Better Recruiting Emails that Candidates Will Respond To


October 9, 2012

Recruiting emails and messaging are usually the ice breaker in contacting and connecting with candidates. However, many emails go unnoticed. How can recruiters tailor the perfect email with a high response rate? If you’re looking for a a straight forward solution, or an easy fix, this is not the blog post for you. This blog post … Continued