The Smart Office

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 29, 2017

Statistics reveal that almost 30% of an average lifetime is spent at work.  In daily terms, time at work equates to approximately 50% of your waking hours during a given workday.  In view of that, it’s pretty important that the time people spend in a workplace translate into value for employees and companies. A company … Continued

Where are the Women in Tech?

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 27, 2017

According to the National Center for Women Information Technology (NCWIT), the U.S. Department of Labor estimated that 1.4 million computer related jobs would be available in the U.S. between 2010-2020. At current graduation rates for Information Technology, we can expect to fill only 32% of those jobs with U.S. Information Technology graduates. The NCWIT further … Continued