Episode 13: Keynote Speaker Gabrielle Bosché Discusses Purpose and the Upcoming Midwest Executives Retreat

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 25, 2024

Episode Overview

Ultra-Staff EDGE welcomes Gabrielle Bosché, renowned author, speaker, and co-founder of The Purpose Company, to discuss the transformative impact of finding and living one’s purpose. Gabrielle dives into her unique, science-backed, four-step approach—developed with her husband, Brian—that helps individuals identify their purpose. You can attend the upcoming Midwest Staffing Owners and Executive Conference on September 24-25, 2024, at the Blue Chip Hotel and Casino in Michigan City, Indiana, to attend the Bosché’s keynote and workshop.

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Episode Transcript:

[Music] Coming to you from the Ultra-Staff Studios in Chicago, welcome to the Staffing Buzz Network with your host, Bob Pettke!


Bob Pettke (Host): Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Staffing Buzz Network. I am Bob Pettke, and we are glad that you are either watching or listening to us, maybe on your drive into work, and we’re real excited to have our guest on today. We’ll talk about it in a minute, but really a different type of podcast for us. 

You know, one of the things that we do is we’re very involved with other groups as they relate to staffing, and we’ve had a really long, very tremendous partnership with the ISSA, the Illinois Search and Staffing Association, and in part of that you know we go to their meetings and and and help facilitate and really you know we [00:01:00] come in as a partner with them. And so we’ve got a Midwest Staffing Owners and Executive retreat coming up September 24th and 25th. It’s at the Blue Chip Hotel and Casino in Michigan City, Indiana, and it’s going to be a great two days of meetings, so we’re excited to be a part of that as a partner with that group. 

And we’re also excited because part of the keynote presentation is going to be who our next guest that’s coming up today that I’m going to introduce here, her name is Gabrielle Bosché and Gabrielle, she’s pretty cool, right? She’s an author, she’s done Ted X speaking, so that’s very cool. So as you get a chance, you can, even after this, follow her, Google her, and check out some of the things that she’s done that’s put out there and her space that she operates on, and I think it’s going to be [00:02:00] really relevant for the audience that will be attending the Midwest Staffing Owners and Executive Conference September 24 and 25 because it’s really dealing with having making sure that, you know, you’ve got a purpose, you have a purpose so she’s one of the founders of Purpose Company.

She is a co-author of The Purpose Factor and Keeping Them Together, that’s just to name a few; she’s got several other books that are out there, but with that said, Gabrielle—Gab—-we’re excited to have you on the Staffing Buzz Network. Welcome!

Gabrielle Bosché: What’s up, Bob Pettke (Host)? Thanks so much for having me. I’m excited to be here. 

Bob Pettke (Host): We are so glad you’re here, and again, like I mentioned just a minute ago, you’re going to be featured as a speaker for our group, and really, you know, let’s get right down to it because you know you’ve got your Purpose Factor book. This is your message: talk to us a little bit about really kind of your [00:03:00] mission or you know how you’re going in and talking to folks about, you know, being—I would guess that you’re a purpose person—so talk to us about that. 

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, it’s not exactly something that you go to college for, becoming an expert in purpose, but it’s something that really found myself and my business partner, co-author, co-TEDX speaker, and husband Brian Bosché, and we’ll both be co-speaking actually, which is kind of fun. But yeah, purpose is one of those things that, honestly, I got really frustrated with whenever I was going through a season change, a career change, a life change. Everyone kept saying, “Go find your purpose,” but purpose is one of those things that feels really good to give around advice but is really hard to receive because my natural next question is: “Well, how?” And so what we’ve been able to do is actually develop a science-backed model to be able to find your purpose so that way you’re able to experience fulfillment on demand, which, for us, is one of the most important things that you can do with your purpose is what you experience because of using your purpose. [00:04:00]

So the kind of backstory, long and short of it, is Brian and I were really struggling to find out what was next for us. People kept saying find your purpose. We tried to find out how, and so we spent about six years really trying to dig deep into what popular motivators say about purpose and what religions say about purpose. What is kind of the method behind finding meaning and fulfillment? What did the Stoics say about purpose? 

And what we developed was this four-step method that really brought in these fundamentals, universal truths to help people find their purpose so that way when you find out who you are. And how we define purpose is the best of what you have to help other people, then you can truly experience the best of what life has for you.

Bob Pettke (Host): Okay, so again, you kind of give us a little of the backstory. Great way to get into this, but you know, let’s go further back. Like when did you know you’re doing the speaking? And some people, this is the biggest fear on Earth that people have. Like you put it up there, and you list, you’ve [00:05:00] seen it, I’m sure. You ask people what are the most things that they’re afraid of. Most, they’ll say, even before passing away, a lot of times that comes up. So, first and foremost, how do you determine that that’s your purpose, and when did that become comfortable? 

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, I’ve long loved speaking. I’m kind of one of those people who absolutely love being able to share what I had inside of me. That doesn’t mean I was very good at it, so growing up, I had a speech impediment. I had stage fright, you know. I really didn’t like being in front of other people, but something really powerful happened. This is such a beautiful question, Bob Pettke (Host). Something really powerful happens when you stop focusing on yourself and start focusing on other people, and that’s what clarity of purpose, I think, really does because, of course, there’s, you know, stage fright and frustration, fear of rejection, fear of you know, forgetting what you’re going to say next all of those things that happen whether you’re a speaker or you know you’re working with a fellow employee or whether you’re hiring [00:06:00] people or whether you’re in a completely different industry, you’re always going to have that fear. 

And so what I love to do is help people fall in love with the result, fall in love with the people that you’re helping, because if you know that it’s worth it if you know the people you’re helping, that they’re worth kind of the discomfort or the change, or sometimes even the fear—which is a variable part of all of our lives—if you know that it’s worth it, then you’re willing to do it. So, I was lucky to fall into this kind of early on. I’ve been speaking for probably about 15 years or so and so loving what I get to do now, but it does not mean that it came quickly or easily, right? 

Bob Pettke (Host): Well, I, you know, I would imagine that being that this is your purpose, and again I’m I don’t know exactly how that relates to your message. I’m going to find out because I will be at this meeting, so we’re excited to have people learn that. But just maybe give a little bit of a story on that, or if you can fill us in, you know, one of the things I saw was that you were, you know, you’re also an author, so you’ve written books so, and I understand you [00:07:00] wrote books really early on. Talk about that and how that maybe interacted with your purpose as well.

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, it’s really a powerful thing being able to have a platform, and again, you know, being an author and speaking, that’s not necessarily my purpose. That’s the platform that I use to help people with my purpose, and so my purpose is really to help people identify the best of what they have and be able to translate it into something that adds value in the marketplace. And so one of my core missions is to be able to help a billion people find and live out their purpose. 

It’s just such a fun thing, but when I was first starting off as an author, I started my journey. I’ve written seven books. I wrote my first book because someone gave me the advice—they said a book is the best business card you can ever give somebody and I was a weirdo in high school who actually had business cards, so that probably says a little bit more about my personality than anything else. But what I realized was it was such a great package to be able to [00:08:00] distribute my message to multiple people, so getting into that world of being able to write books. 

And you know, our most recent book, The Purpose Factor, kind of helps line out a lot of the core elements that we’re going to be speaking about at the conference. But being able to really get a clear delineation between, you knowing that you have a purpose and being able to find out what that is that’s really the “sweet spot” of what we want to help people with and more than that, not just knowing that you have a purpose but what can you actually do with it, how do you apply it at work?

Like truthfully, Bob Pettke (Host), I have people tell me all the time they’re like, “Oh, I’d love to bring you into my company and help my people find their purpose, but then what happens? Are they then going to quit? Are they going to start their own company? Are they going to realize their purpose isn’t working for me?” And I always assure them the truth is that purpose is vocation agnostic. You’re not more in your purpose if you’re working in a particular job or not because what happens if that job goes away?

Your [00:09:00] purpose is in a particular vocation, or I see a lot of this cause we work with a lot of former professional athletes where they thought their purpose was playing in a particular sport, and then they get injured. Does that mean they no longer have a purpose? Of course not. So, really, the magic behind what I’m so excited about coming to the conference and getting to speak really at length with people about is how do we help people find out what’s the best of what they have and apply it to what they’re doing right now. Like it’s not one of those “Eat, Pray, Love”, you know, take six months off, go sit and meditate on a pillow kind of experiences. It’s how do we really practically find out what do I have to give, how can I add value, and then how can I truly experience fulfillment? Because I know at the end of every single day, what I’m doing is making a difference, right?

Bob Pettke (Host): So you know, one of the things that I wondered and again looking at some information on you because I wanted to do my research before I bring you on board, and it’s been great, and I know we talked beforehand, but talk to us about where does purpose start and how does it intercede or interact with passion?

Gabrielle Bosché: Passion is one of those things that we also got really frustrated with because people kept saying, you know, [00:10:00] “Follow your passion” and “Find your passion.” And truthfully, I had either all of the passion or none of it, depending on what season I was in either I was passionate about. In grad school, I wanted to start a coffee cart business; I was really passionate about coffee, and then, you know, in high school, I was really passionate about sports. I’m a competitive tennis player, and so I was like, maybe that’s what I’m supposed to do. 

And so the interesting thing is when you look at the dictionary definition of passion, passion is actually defined by Oxford as a barely controllable emotion—a barely controllable emotion. So when you take that definition and then kind of operationalize it and realize that we’ve been giving people this advice to find your passion by simply saying go follow your barely controllable emotion, of course, we’re getting so frustrated, of course, we have high turnover in companies that are passion first, of course, we lack direction when we’re trying to figure out what’s next for us. And so passion is one of those things that, yes, it should be there because passion is really the emotions behind it. Passion is the excitement around that [00:11:00] absolutely needs to exist. So we always say it’s not passion alone, it’s not passion first, but passion definitely can be a part of that mixture of helping people really kind of fall in love with what they do again. 

Because, and I’m sure that you’re seeing it too, I mean, I think a lot of people are really, can feel kind of frustrated. People can feel a little dull, like that excitement that spark that newness that they once had in the workforce. They’re like, “What happened? I used to love what I was doing.” Or, “I used to get so excited because I was solving new problems every day, and now I’m kind of just saving this, solving the same problem over and over again.” And so really being able to tap into that purpose piece, passion is about excitement, purpose is about problem-solving, and so when you start to tap into that differentiation, what we’ve just seen in the companies that we’ve worked with, it’s really a big game changer for people to realize, “Oh, I didn’t realize that I was actually tapping into my purpose all along.”

Bob Pettke (Host): Do you ever find when you’re working through this that maybe somebody’s purpose doesn’t necessarily [00:12:00] align with their personality? 

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, I think when it comes to purpose in particular, purpose because again, it’s the best of what you have to help others, the personality piece—is usually—the short answer is no. Personality and purpose are not necessarily two separate things. Personality, a lot of times, is how you show up. It’s how you see yourself. It’s how you’re perceived by other people. Purpose is the best of what you have, but to help other people. 

And so how that actually manifests is actually what I think is most interesting because personality oftentimes is what we have kind of grown into over time. It’s what we’ve seen as socially acceptable. It’s the role that we’ve played in life, or work it’s the role that we’ve tended to play in in our families. And so when you tap into purpose, purpose is oftentimes kind of behind the scenes that’s been there all along. And so what we’ve actually found is when people find their purpose, they’re like, “Oh, that’s the [00:13:00] most authentic part of my personality all along,” so they very, very rarely will, you know, come at odds with each other there.

Oftentimes, people start to realize that my true authentic personality came out when I was actually living out my purpose. Well, that makes great sense, right? And, you know, one of the things that—and maybe we’ll talk about this, and again, I don’t want to give away any spoilers—things that people will be like, ‘You know, spoiler alert for everybody, spoiler alert,’ is: how do people know that their purpose is their purpose? Yeah, the clarity piece, I think, is so important because I think a lot of times, people may start down a path and think this: “I thought this was my purpose.” And then something happened. You know, “I thought my purpose was to go this particular industry, and then I got laid off,” “I thought my purpose was to start this kind of business, and then it didn’t work out,” and so we recognize that there’s oftentimes some very real frustrations with the process of finding purpose.

And so purpose is one of those things because there’s four core elements that, again, you can learn more about it in our book The Purpose Factor, you can show up at the conference, [00:14:00] we’re going to go really deep in it. But when you start to realize that there’s these four parts that when you start to pull—this is a piece of advice I’d give to any of your listeners—if there’s something complicated, pull it apart to find the component parts to understand it better. And so that’s what we did with purpose, is we realize purpose wasn’t just this thing it actually had component parts. So when you start to pull it apart, you start to realize that probably in different seasons of your life, you were feeling more fulfilled because you’re actually tapping into your purpose.

So, for example, one of the first core elements we talk about with purpose is your natural advantage. Natural advantage is kind of the thing that you naturally do; it’s the natural brilliance that you have, and it’s actually the thing that you oftentimes take most for granted. So tapping into your natural advantage, you can realize—oh my gosh–like we’ve done this with companies all the time where we’ll help their sales team find their natural advantage, and they realize every person on the sales team has a different natural advantage. Of course, they’re selling differently! And so just giving people permission to recognize what makes us so different is actually a benefit and [00:15:00] an asset rather than a liability. I think it is a really cool place to start, but I think more than anything, and you’re asking such awesome questions, Bob Pettke (Host), like this is so fun.

I think one of the most important things that we can do as employers is to give ourselves permission to help our people find their purpose because I think sometimes people think, “Oh, you have to find your purpose outside of what you do for work.” Purpose is what you do with your family, purpose is what you do, maybe if you have a faith or spirituality, maybe that’s what you do outside of work, but what we want to really do is help lead a movement of employers saying we recognize that we have a duty to help people find meaning and fulfillment. I think post-COVID, people really started to see that—they really started to see, “Wow, we have a duty beyond just giving someone a paycheck. We actually have a real impact. We can save lives as employers.” And that’s what we’re really most excited about, is being able to work with companies who are in the people business, being able to help people realize that there really is so much meaning behind our work, right? 

And you talk about [00:16:00] the “people business,” and there’s really nothing more that I can think of, but again, my background falls in staffing—truly just a people person business, right? You know, we work with people to find them jobs right with a potential new client or with a new client. Then we work with other people to find them a spot to go to, then they have to go in and interact with other folks as well.

Bob Pettke (Host): So the people that are going to be in attendance, this message is going to really resonate and hit home. But with that, say somebody finds their purpose, right? And it becomes part of their MO, their modus operandi, of how they go to work each and every day, or how they just go to life each and every day. Let me just go ahead and make it take a step back and put it that way—let’s talk about when somebody’s finding their purpose because otherwise, sometimes people are either, you know, they’ve got a purpose, or they’re going through the motions. That’s my take on it. 

And you [00:17:00] might have something to add or share on that, but when somebody finds their purpose, like what are some of the byproducts of that? What does the purpose, what does the person’s experience when they find themselves in that zone, where they’re not only found their purpose but they’re working towards fulfilling the purpose, yeah?

Gabrielle Bosché: I think when you’re in your Purpose Zone, it’s really nice to be able to identify what’s happening. And there’s really three core things that are happening: the first is there’s energy—you kind of notice that there’s some projects, some people, some instances that you just feel energized around. And then there are some that really drain your energy, and that’s because at a really subconscious level, our body and our brains are actually having to work harder to find meaning and answer the question, “Is what I’m doing worth it?” So the energy piece, I think, is really, really important.

The second is the joy piece. There’s just an enjoyment around what you’re doing, where even if whatever you’re working on is hard, it’s kind of fun. Like one of my [00:18:00] favorite questions to ask people is “What’s been your most fulfilled day at work?” And I’ll take that moment and I will pull it apart to see who were they helping, what were they doing, and what problem were they solving. If I can find those three things, then I can then help that person find fulfillment on demand. And it’s always what problem were they solving because their most fulfilled day at work wasn’t usually the easy day, it wasn’t the day when they were just sitting back, it wasn’t the company holiday party, it really was a day where they’re like ‘I don’t know if this is going to work, this is hard, this is frustrating,’ but they ended up triumphant at the end. That’s usually the fun part. People were kind of created to create. We like problem-solving as humans. That’s just kind of how we’re hardwired, so the joy piece of it, I think, is really important. 

And then the third is kind of this virality. Like there’s something about when you’re in your purpose. You want to share it with other people. It’s like when you have your favorite restaurant or, your favorite new thing that you just bought or your favorite new movie that you’re watching. There’s something about us as communal creatures that we like to share that. So I usually like to find the evidence of things for people [00:19:00] because oftentimes, again, people don’t necessarily talk a lot about purpose. We talk a lot about “Why?” which I think is really important. I think the Start With Why movement was really really important to start to create a conversation but “Why?” actually is just the first part of it. “Why?” is really a question around motivation, but purpose is a question around meaning, and so it’s really not either, or it’s both. And that I think is really important to bring to the conversation today.

Bob Pettke (Host): Right, no, I’m familiar with Simon Sinek as well. Right, I think everybody who’s, you know, either watched a video or read a book that, you know, he comes up, so I get that as well. But one of the things that I might wonder is, you know, how do I know that. How do I know I don’t have a purpose? Like, what are some of the things, what are some of the characteristics of [00:20:00] somebody who maybe doesn’t know? No, and, and they’re—I don’t know, I don’t want to lead the witness—but, you know, are they feeling lost? What are some of the things that somebody might experience where they’re like, ‘I need to, I need to get this going.’

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, and it’s not that they don’t have a purpose; it’s just that they don’t know what it is right. So if you’re in, usually, if someone is in a place where on the employment side there’s disengagement, there’s a lack of clarity and focus. There’s oftentimes kind of a lack of taking initiative. Those are usually some kind of early signs that you’re not in line with your purpose, that there’s some veering going on. Clarity is oftentimes one of those things that I will look at to say how how aligned with our purpose are we, because you want clarity on who you are, clarity on where you’re going, and clarity on how you’re going to get there. Those three things are going to really put the path forward for you or for anyone to be able to know, ‘Yes I’m being able to kind of turn that purpose switch on so I can tap into it.’ 

Because the cool thing about purpose is, [00:21:00], purpose is really like motivation on demand. Like, we talk a lot about motivation. Are employees motivated? Are we motivated? And it could be everything from, ‘Did we hit our numbers?’ to ‘Are we losing weight?’ Motivation is really important, but I actually don’t think motivation is the thing we need to be measuring. We actually need to be looking at conviction. So conviction is that core belief that what you’re doing is worth it, and so if we can help our employees identify clearly and specifically that what they’re doing is worth it, then they’ll show up early, they’ll stay late, they’ll do the work, they’ll push through, they’ll have fun because if it’s on the other side if it’s worth it then, they’ll do it. 

And so that’s a really important element of being able to say, ‘How are we doing as a company to make sure that our people are on track with their purpose?’ Can they clearly articulate back to you that what they’re doing is worth it? And it could be as easy as just in your next one-on-one, just saying, “Hey, what are you working on? What’s really hard? Why is it worth it?” [00:22:00] Their answer could be “Because it’s part of my job,” “Because I’m learning a lot,” “Because I know the team.” It’s important to the team, you know, all of those things are really important.

Bob Pettke (Host): Okay, you know, as we get ready for this conference that’s coming up on September 24th and 25th, you know the group is going to be the Midwest owners, and it’s going to be it’s a Midwest owners and executive conference, right? So these attending attendees are likely entrepreneurs; you know, they’ve started their business, and they’ve built it from the ground up. And others are probably executives that are are are trying to either work for a purpose or identify the purpose because, like you said, everybody has a purpose; it’s a matter of identifying it. But as we look to this particular group that’s coming in, and again I think the message covers everybody and anybody, but what are some of the things that they should expect as they participate and and hear hear your message? What should, what should they expect as as part of this?

Gabrielle Bosché: Yeah, the big thing is just have fun. For us, we [00:23:00] really like to create an experience of learning. A lot of times, we can go to conferences and events and I know I’m a conference junkie myself, and you can go there, and it can feel like a lecture. We don’t want it to feel like a lecture. We want it to be an experience. So that’s the big one. 

We also see speaking as consulting standing up, so it’s as if you’re bringing us in, our firm, The Purpose Company, to come in and consult you on whether you’ve got retention issues, engagement issues you’re looking at. How do you reinvigorate your team, how do you personalize the mission? That’s something we’re going to be focusing quite a lot on because a lot of times, as companies, we have mission statements. We have core values. All of those are important, but until we personalize it to every person on your team, it’s kind of a waste of time and money. So we like to come in and really help people in real-time.

So we’ll have a keynote, then we’ll have a workshop afterwards as well, which is incredible. I mean, most companies who would be bringing us in would be spending a significant amount of money to have this kind of experience. So you would be crazy to not come. If you [00:24:00] can’t come, I always encourage people. I’m like, “Come show up!” And also, too, something powerful happens in the room. Something powerful happens when you’re learning in a community, when you’re solving problems in real-time, and when you’re able to ask questions of experts who’ve been doing it. 

We’ve developed purpose discovery systems for everyone from the U.S. military to Major Fortune 50 companies. We’ve worked with celebrities and and just a lot of really amazing amazing leaders, so we’re honestly just so excited and honored to be able to come and be able to translate this for the staffing industry. Because I believe that what you guys are doing, you’re really on the forefront of being able to help people find meaning in their work. That’s what you do for a living, so for us to be able to serve you in this way truly for us is an incredible honor.

Bob Pettke (Host): And you talked about being in attendance, right? And I believe when two or more are gathered together, in this particular case, learning and experiencing a message that’s going to help them guide them to a certain place and space where they can fulfill [00:25:00] their purpose from that point forward, there’s power in that. Right? And I’ll tell you something about staffing.

And you may or may not know this, but just as you come to this group, if staffing were easy, anybody can do it. Like your role right now, nobody goes and studies staffing in college. When they were little kids, they didn’t play staffing. I mean, you might have played public speaker motivated, I don’t know. That would have been a cute little thing to see, but nevertheless, so they, they fall into this, they fall into this role, and it takes a very unique person to do that just like it takes a unique person to do what you do. I mean., let’s face it, there’s some roles in this world that a lot of people can do, and it might not require much, and that’s okay. They’ve got to find their own purpose in their own way. 

I mean, we need all walks of life to do all walks of things, but I think that this message is going to be very [00:26:00] powerful for this group in particular because they are a very unique group. I think that they’re hungry to be able to understand what their purpose is. Because let’s face it, what we’re doing is we’re really helping other people find jobs. There is a satisfaction that comes from that, so you know, my thoughts are that this is going to be very powerful for them to discover or rediscover their purpose and have the potential to talk with you, obviously, maybe afterward. Are you going to have some time to be able to speak with some people there?

Gabrielle Bosché: Absolutely, yeah. We’re there for the day, so for us, if we can have one-off conversations talk to you about maybe getting clarity on your own purpose or helping translate this to bring this back to your team, for us, that’s the most fulfilling moment when people are like “Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to talk to my partner about this, I can’t wait to talk to my kids, I can’t wait to talk to my team!” That transferability of a message for us is one of the greatest compliments.

Bob Pettke (Host): And [00:27:00], will you have your book available there for them as well?

Gabrielle Bosché: Hopefully, yeah, I don’t know, actually that’s a great question, Bob Pettke (Host). Maybe we will, I don’t know, maybe I can bring some.

Bob Pettke (Host): If not, we know how to get them, right? You can find they’re all on Amazon. We can search on your name and do that, but I think that what’s also nice about your message. It’s not just a one-and-done experience, right? You bring a level of expertise and experience, and value to your message, and I think the fact that, for those that choose to after they hear their message, many of them will be inspired to want to work with you additionally to help their teams. Because it’s not getting any easier, and if people are going through the motions and they don’t have that purpose, they’re not going to be able to maximize their potential. 

When you’re an owner, and you’ve got to work with your team, if you can have everyone find their own purpose—and everyone’s purpose is a little bit different, or significantly different; I don’t want to put anybody in a box—[00:28:00]but I think that when you’re in a place and space where you have that, you’re going to optimize, you know, the spirit of who you are and the ability to just perform at an optimum level.

Gabrielle Bosché: That’s exactly right. It’s once you unlock it it’s one of those things. The first line in our book, The Purpose Factor, is “You cannot unknow what you’re about to discover.” It’s a big promise, and we deliver on it once you know your purpose. You can’t unknow it. It’s pretty powerful. 

Bob Pettke (Host): Well, perfect. Well, Gabrielle, thanks for being here! We are so excited to spend some time with you. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the Blue Chip Hotel in Casino in Michigan City, Indiana, but if you haven’t, it’ll be a nice, fun experience for you. You’re going to love our people, very just salt of the earth kind of people, that are going to be excited to hear your message. And we’ll see you, well, we’ll be there on the 24th and the 25th. So any parting words with us before you go? Any shout-out why people might want to make sure they attend and and hear you guys?

Gabrielle Bosché: Oh my gosh, [00:29:00] well, I mean, hang out with Bob Pettke (Host) and myself, but come on, I think that’s worth the trip for sure. But I just want to encourage folks that these types of events really just by showing up, like I said, being in the room, learning in concert, really amazing things happen, and just by stepping away, changing your environment will really change the mental environment that you’re in. So whatever problem you’re wanting to solve, just by coming to an event like this, you’re going to get collaboration opportunities, new ideations; you’ll be solving problems in real-time in an accelerated time. 

I know sometimes, as an owner, an operator, as a CEO myself, it’s hard to justify leaving to go do something when you feel like you have so many other things to do. But you will have an acceleration of the problem solving just by being in the room with these other owners. So, I would encourage you to show up, hang out, ask lots of questions. We’re so excited to come

Bob Pettke (Host): I’m sure after a session with the Bosché’s, I know that you are going to leave [00:30:00] them better than you found them for sure. So again, thank you for being here. We’re excited to see you. I’m excited to spend some time with you both as well, and we’ll see you here in just a little or less than a month or so. Gabrielle thanks for being here today, and we’re excited to have you.

Gabrielle Bosché: Honored to be here, my friend, thanks.

Bob Pettke (Host): So there you have it. Gabrielle Bosché is going to be with us and again, just a really tremendous opportunity for the attendees at the Midwest Executive Owners conference coming up September 24th and 25th. I think I’ve said that at least six or seven times, and if you haven’t registered already, you can go ahead and contact the ISSA, or you can go ahead and do a search on the Midwest Staffing Conference. You’ll be able to find that just by going through the search engine and get there. There’s going to be a lot of other added value to that.

I think you know it’s going to be the cherry on top is going to be listening [00:31:00] to the Bosché’s and their message for sure, so with that said, my name is Bob Pettke again here at ABD, Automated Business Designs, we are our software is Ultra-Staff EDGE we’ve got a very cool service or solution for your staffing needs and if you’d like to learn more about that you can always reach me. My contact information is on our outro. Also, stop by, and let’s have a chat at the conference as well. So with that, until next time. We look forward to seeing you here on the Staffing Buzz Network. Thanks.

