Should Staffing Firms Prepare for a Double Dip Recession? Hardly.


June 14, 2012

We are half way through 2012, and we have witnessed a turbulent market that is a far cry from conventional. The Euro Crisis, Middle East tensions and high oil prices, a possibility of the EU breaking up, soaring U.S. deficits: the economy is looking less than optimistic. You would think with all this chaos, it … Continued

Using Your Software to Succeed in Bad Economic Conditions


March 24, 2009

I am in panic mode because of the economy. How can my computer system help me survive? First, don’t panic. The one sure thing about the economy is that eventually it will get better. You can plan on that. Position your company. First, power market using your database in order to get as much business … Continued

Tips for Marketing in Challenging Economic Conditions


November 13, 2008

What is the best type of marketing approach during times when the market can be challenging? Targeted marketing campaigns are best all of the time. The better you can target your campaigns, the more successful. The misconception is that during good times candidate marketing should be prevalent and job order marketing should prevail during weaker … Continued