Implementing AI at Your Staffing Agency in 2024

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

January 23, 2024

AI. One of the most buzzed words in 2023. You saw it in articles, on the news, in webinars, in sessions, and at conferences. Almost daily you heard about AI and the importance of using it. Now we are in 2024 and AI isn’t going away. The buzz of those fateful two letters will keep … Continued

A Positive, Easy, Convenient Staffing Experience

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 22, 2022

What do Netflix®, Apple®, and Amazon® all have in common? They offer a positive, easy, and convenient consumer experience. Netflix offers good content for people to continue to subscribe to the streaming service. When browsing for shows and movies, you can easily continue watching a show from where you left off, you can browse by … Continued

What To Do After You Implement New Staffing Software

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 23, 2022

If you choose to use staffing software to help run your business then you are “automated.” However, automation offers a variety of returns, all based on the software features that are available and the implementation of processes within the organization. New staffing software is exciting, but how come it always looks better and more effective … Continued

Impressive Customer Service Wins Business

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 22, 2022

Great service is one thing but impressive service that goes beyond expectations is quite another. Impressive service can make the difference in securing and cultivating ongoing long-term relationships with our customers. Service must be such that it makes customers anxious to do business with you. You want customers to be so impressed that they walk … Continued

Automated Business Designs and Sense Bring AI and Automation to the Staffing and Recruiting Industry

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

May 17, 2021

Developers of the staffing and recruiting software solution, Ultra-Staff EDGE, partner with Sense to help staffing companies transform the talent experience, increase engagement, and grow business. CHICAGO, IL—Automated Business Designs, developers of Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing and recruiting software, have partnered with Sense to bring the twin powers of AI and automation to the staffing and … Continued

Using Your ATS to Find Candidates During the Candidate Shortage

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

May 4, 2021

As the economy gets back on its feet and more Americans become vaccinated, there has been an upsurge in job opportunities available. What employers are finding though, is that few candidates are applying. Less candidates are responding to job postings, which is a complete 360 from a year ago when unemployment rates were at the … Continued

Automated Business Designs & Text-Em-All Release Job Accept Integration

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 3, 2020

Staffing industry partners release new integration that allows candidates to accept job offers right from within a text message. Automated Business Designs partnered with Text-Em-All to develop a unique Job Accept Texting Integration within Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing software. All users of Ultra-Staff EDGE and Text-Em-All will now be able to text job offers to candidates … Continued

The Magic of Brick & Mortar Recruiting

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 5, 2019

Technology is here to stay and makes more possible, but let’s not forget the value traditional recruiting methods provide.  I am a huge on-line shopper.  Sometimes I do not visit a department store for months. I really hate shopping anyway and who has time? Why would anyone want to fight for a parking spot, stand … Continued

The Smart Office

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 29, 2017

Statistics reveal that almost 30% of an average lifetime is spent at work.  In daily terms, time at work equates to approximately 50% of your waking hours during a given workday.  In view of that, it’s pretty important that the time people spend in a workplace translate into value for employees and companies. A company … Continued